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Forest research in a global change context

24th – 28th August 2015, Hotel Špik, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia

Forest research in a global change context workshop is organised as a part of EUFORINNO project dedicated to increase the scientific excellence at Slovenian Forestry Institute.


R Course II

14th – 15th July 2015, Big lecture room of Slovenian Forestry institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Lecturers: Dr. Joanne Demmler and Dr. Gilles Young, College Of Medicine, Swansea University, Wales, UK

Summer School: Modeling in R and modeling soil processes

5th - 11th July 2015, Hotel Jelka (Pokljuka, Slovenia)

Always wanted to learn how to use R to model soil processes? Look no further, Euforinno and Biolink have teamed up to offer an opportunity to achieve just that.


Workshop on development of common protocols for establishment of genetic monitoring plots

1th - 13th June 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Forest research in a global change context workshop is organised as a part of EUFORINNO project dedicated to increase the scientific excellence at Slovenian Forestry Institute.

Lecturer: Darious Kavaliauskas 

The Autumn School on biodiversity and carbon dynamics in forest soils and forest ecosystems

15th - 19th September 2014, Slovenian Forestry Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

The Autumn School on biodiversity and carbon dynamics in forest soils and forest ecosystems is organized as a part of EUFORINNO project dedicated to the increase of scientific excellence at the Slovenian Forestry Institute and in the field of forestry.

R course I

9 th – 11th September 2014, Big lecture room of Slovenian Forestry institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Lecturer: Dr. Joanne Demmler, College Of Medicine, Swansea University, Wales, UK

Poletni tečaj pisanja in publiciranja v znanosti

Pokljuka, Hotel Jelka, 18. - 22. avgust 2014

Poletni tečaj pisanja in publiciranja v znanosti je organiziran v sklopu projekta EUFORINNO, s katerim Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije gradi svojo znanstveno odličnost. Poletni tečaj o pisanju in publiciranju v znanosti bo vodil prof. Reinhart Ceulemans, dr.h.c.

Poletna šola modeliranja procesov v gozdnih tleh

Ljubljana, 7. - 11. julij 2014

Poletna šola modeliranja procesov v gozdnih tleh je organiziran v sklopu projekta EUFORINNO. Poletno šolo modeliranja procesov v gozdnih tleh bosta vodila dr. Gaby Deckmyn in Berhongaray Gonzalo.

EUFORINNO WORKSHOP for Regional National Focal Points

16.12.2013 - (09h - 18h) Slovenian Forestry Institute
->details (in pdf)

Seminar o biogeokemiji, hidrologiji in gozdnih tleh ter o obratu korenin z ogledom raziskav na ploskvah Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije

16. - 30. avgust 2013, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije

V okviru seminarja bodo potekala tudi tri predavanja, odprta za javnost, »Biogeochemistry and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems«, »Long-term impacts of forest residue harvest on biogeochemical cycles and stem-wood production« in »Fine roots and soil carbon in boreal forests«.

Seminar bo vodila prof. dr. prof. Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari, University of Helsinki, Deptartment of Forest Sciences (UH For).
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4th EUFORINNO Advisory Board Meeting

will be held from 10th to 11th March 2016 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute ...


14. januarja 2016 od 9. do 13. ure v dvorani Slovenske akademije znanosti ...