Project staff members at SFI
Prof Hojka Kraigher is BSc Biol., BSc For. Eng., PhD Agricultural Sciences, Prof. of Botany; Head of Department for Forest Physiology and Genetics and the RP. At EUFORINNO project she is the Project Coordinator and the leader of Work Package 4. She shall manage activities with PLECO, ASP and ZALF; sabbaticals at the Univ. of London, Univ. of Liverpool, Univ. of Cambridge, UK (1987-88; 1991-1994), has supervised several PhD, MSc and BSc theses. She is the present President of the Scientific Board for Biotechnical Sciences (SRA); expert TAIEX (Croatia, Macedonia) and OSCE (Serbia); evaluator of EU projects & Impact assessment (KBBE). National coordinator EUFORGEN, leading the PC in several EU projects. The full list of national projects she leads can be seen at
Tjaša Baloh is EUFORINNO project manager.
Nataša Milenkovič is the Financial project administrator at SFI, responsible to financially supervise projects: expenditures; financial reports for project managers, major partners, different Ministries; overview of co-financing dynamics.
Robert Robek is a senior researcher at the Department of Forestry engineering and economics and the head of the Infrastructural Programme of SFI. His expertise is on road engineering and environmental impacts of forestry operations. He was project leader of several international projects, including two FAO projects in CE & SEE. He is the supervisor and organizer of the investments – renovation of laboratories at SFI and at EUFORINNO project the leader of work package 1.
Tine Grebenc is a senior research fellow & shall manage mobilities with HMGU and UH For. His expertise is in the fields of mycorrhizal diversity, molecular genetics, phylogeny and phylogeography of higher fungi. He is a member of several national and international societies within the area of his work. He was awarded with 2 national prices for scientific work. At EUFORINNO project he is the leader of work package 2.
Tomislav Levanič is the Head of Department for Forest yield, silviculture and dendrochronology, senior scientist, deputy manager of SFI, lecturer for Dendrochronology and dendroecology; shall manage mobilities with SWANSEA. He supervised a number of BSc, 1 MSc and 4 PhD Thesis. He was an invited professor at a postgraduate course of Scandinavian students, organised by NORFA in Lund Sweden (1999) and in Joenssu, Finland (2004); a mentor at international dendrochronological training schools in Switzerland and at International Northamerican dendroecological fieldweek in San Martin de los Andes in Argentina. He is a leader or principal investigator in many national, bilateral and European research projects.
WP3 leader
Primož Simončič is head of the institution, and was the coordinator of Public environmental service and the Head of Department for Forest Ecology for over 16 years. He shall manage mobilities with IBAF-CNR and act as Deputy Project Coordinator (in the case of absence of the PC). His field of research is forest ecology, forest soils, carbon cycling, tree nutrition and forest ecosystem monitoring; leading Forest monitoring and international projects (ICP Forest, Forest Focus, 3 LIFE+ projects, 5FP EU SUSTMAN, CARBON-PRO), bilateral and national projects. He is the designated member of the EU LULUCF expert group (its coordinator during Slovenian EU presidency in 2008).