The 1st Advisory Board meeting was on 26 October 2012 in Big Lecture Theater at SFI & Big (beech) meeting room at the Slovenian Forestry Institute (SFI), Večna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana. The meeting started at 9:00 a.m and finished at 5:00 p.m.
Present members of Advisory board were Prof. Dr. Reinhart Ceulemans, Dr. Monika Konnert, Dr. Habil. Dieter Ernst, Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler, Dr. Giorgio Matteucci, Associate, Prof. Dr. Michael Starr (with the authorization replacing Prof. Dr. Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari), Dr. Franci Demšar, Director of Slovenian Research Agency, Mrs. Ani Zavrl Bogataj, Director of Directorate for Forestry, Hunting and Fisheries RS. There were also present members of Technical Board from SFI Prof. Dr. Hojka Kraigher (Project Coordinator, WP4 leader), Doc. Dr. Tom Levanič (SFI Deputy Director, WP3 leader), Dr. Primož Simončič (Project Deputy Coordinator), Dr. Tine Grebenc (WP2 leader), Mag. Rober Robek (WP1 leader), Tjaša Vidmar, Nataša Milenković, Tina Drolc, Žiga Lipar, Dr. Marko Kovač, Marko Bajc, Dr. Klemen Eler, Peter Železnik, Mitja Ferlan, Simon Poljanšek and Dr. Nate McDowell.