Advisory Board


The AB will oversee the proper project execution. The Board will be responsible for reviewing the scientific, technical and strategic aspects of the project. It is responsible for the global management of the project, ensuring that the project meets its objectives, achieves excellence, masters risk management and that the deliverables are produced on time and according to budget. One of the long-term tasks of the AB is to support SFI in developing a long-term marketing of the project results, i.e. of the Slovenian Forestry Excellence centre.

The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) agreement will be prepared at the first Advisory Board meeting, defining the contribution of SFI and collaboration partners in the development and standardization of new protocols, technical bulletins and possible innovations or patents.

To this end, the Advisory Board will:
  • Control, and, if necessary, revise the strategy and policies of the project,
  • Monitor secondments and recruitment of researchers,
  • Follow up the purchase of equipment,
  • Monitor and evaluate results,
  • Decide on any major conflicts that may arise among researchers.

Plan of meetings

There will be 4 Advisory Board meetings:
M1 - kick-off meeting; M17, M35, M41.

The Advisory Board meetings will be organised after the Technical Board meetings of SFI.
The Management Team will participate, as well as members of TB when necessary.

1st Meeting

The Advisory Board (AB) is composed of seven representatives from SFI, seven partner entities, and five important national stakeholders (public authority, public directorate, and industry). It is chaired by the Project coordinator and receives reports on progress.
  • Prof. Dr. Hojka Kraigher (CP1; Project Coordinator; WP4 leader; leader of Department of Forest Physiology and Genetics)
  • Dr. Primož Simončič (CP1; director)
  • Rober Robek, MSc (CP1; WP1 leader)
  • Dr. Tine Grebenc (CP1; WP2 leader)
  • Prof. Dr. Tom Levanič (CP1; WP3 leader; leader of Department of Forest Yield and Silviculture)
  • Dr. Nike Kranjc (CP1; Chair of SFI Scientific Booard; leader of Department for Forest Technique and Economics)
  • Dr. Urša Vilhar (CP1; leader of Department of Forest Ecology)
  • Dr. Dušan Jurc (CP1; leader of Department of Forest Protection)
  • Dr. Andreja Ferreira (CP1 leader of Department of Forest and Landscape Planning and Monitoring)
  • Prof. Dr. Reinhart Ceulemans (CP2)
  • Dr. Monika Konnert (CP3)
  • Dr. Habil. Dieter Ernst (CP4)
  • Prof. Dr. Arthur Geßler (CP5)
  • Prof. Dr. Danny McCarroll (CP6)
  • Dr. Giorgio Matteucci (CP7)
  • Prof. Dr. Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari (CP8)
  • Prof. Dr. Håkan Wallander (CP9)
  • Dr. Franci Demšar, Director of Slovenian Research Agency;
  • Mrs. Ani Zavrl Bogataj, Director of Directorate for Forestry, Hunting and Fisheries RS;
  • Mr. Dušan Gradišar, Director of forestry enterprise GOZD Ljubljana d.d.,
  • Mr. Gregor Benčina, Director of wood processing industry Jelovica d.d.



4th EUFORINNO Advisory Board Meeting

will be held from 10th to 11th March 2016 at the Slovenian Forestry Institute ...


14. januarja 2016 od 9. do 13. ure v dvorani Slovenske akademije znanosti ...